Job ad with an option to apply without a CV

Some companies don’t need stylized CV to respond to a candidate. For example, in case of low-qualified jobs, they only need willingness and enthusiasm for work.

Hence, for these companies, we have created a new component in a job order form, that will enable the candidates to apply to a job ad without a CV. So, the job seekers can apply to the job ad without uploading their CV, and that can lead to a higher number of applications. 

How to create a job ad with an option to apply without a CV 

While creating a job ad, you will see an option Application without a CV in the section Job ad settings. By clicking the checkbox, you will enable the candidates to apply without an uploaded CV.

TIP: If you use a custom reaction link, we suggest adjusting your own form as well, so that uploading CV is not necessary.

The information about job ads with applications without CVs, will be displayed and labelled in the job ads list. This way, the candidates will know before they click on the job ad, that they don’t need a CV to apply for the job.


How will the candidates apply to the job ad?

When a candidate decides to apply for such job ad, he will see a standard apply form. Only name, surname and an e-mail are required fields in the form. Uploading CV and other documents is optional. 

What kind of information about the candidates will you get?

 You will receive the same application email, however it won’t need to have an attached CV. You will only receive candidate’s contact information – name, surname and an e-mail.